When a web server receives a request, it has to figure out what piece of code to run to process this particular request. Any element of the request can be used for this routing, but in practice, most web frameworks use the path part of the URL. Defining expressions like these ones:…
B2D (Business To Developers) is something trendy these days. It seems that we, developers, form a special group between Consumers (B2C) and Business (B2B). As an exercise, and to get a better picture of this market, I tried to cut that in categories and find examples for each.…
My aggregator takes many things into account to rank the stories, and of course among them, the inbound links from other posts and tweets. So far I never took the time to write a visualisation tool that actually shows this conversation. But today I did, it made me learn more about D3 and SVG, and I think the result is interesting.…
Here is my new hack, well, more than a hack, this is a personal tool that I want to share with you.
Since I heard about RSS, long long time ago, I always had a personal homemade aggregator. It used to be very simple, a Perl script iterating over a list of feeds. Over the years, it gets more sophisticated, becoming something like a news discovery system. I did a minimal frontend work last week end, and today, I’m happy to put the result page public at storyfindr.…
I just released to Github a few things that I started coding months, if not years ago. This is about Tokyo Tyrant, RDF and Graph databases. I hope having it en Github will motivate me to hack on it again. The triplestore (TLG) is probably not usable yet, but if you’re using Tokyo Tyrant with Perl, you can find useful my TokyoTyrantx::* modules.…